Welcome the new GÉANT at TNC 2009

Friday 5 June | Cambridge, UK: 

GÉANT will play a prominent role at this year’s annual TNC conference to be held in Malaga, Spain from 8-11 June, with a distributed workshop, user and technology demonstrations and a booth.

This year, 14 presenters will contribute to the “GÉANT Distributed Workshop”, covering plans of the new GÉANT project (GN3) and a range of technology and service developments, including perfSONAR, eduPERT and eduGAIN.

In addition, the dedicated TNC demonstration area will play host to two GÉANT demos: the cNIS network information system, giving a flavour of the technical and service development work of the project; and also the ASTRA project, showing how it uses the GÉANT network to recreate the sounds of ancient musical instruments
A leaflet supporting each demo will be available to download from the TNC page on the GÉANT website.

The GÉANT booth will sport the new project branding and will give delegates additional opportunities to see the ASTRA and cNIS demo, as well as some a video presentation of “The Mountain” dance performance, another project from the arts and culture community. Also part of the booth schedule will be a presentation on using GidP to authenticate and enable access to the perfSONAR monitoring system. See the schedule of demos below.

The BSI network, of which GÉANT is a partner, is hosting a Birds of Feather session on Tuesday, 9 June from 19:00-20:30, entitled 'Meet the neighbours: Extending the geographic region of Europe' which will include a panel discussion chaired by Kostas Glinos, the new Head of Unit.