GÉANT and the ShanghAI Lectures – building a global Artificial Intelligence community 

Research networks underpin close collaboration between 1,000 participants in 40 universities on 5 continents through advanced, interactive project 

The topic of Artificial Intelligence is both fast moving and extremely wide, covering a number of deeply specialised subfields, as well as crossing into disciplines such as computer science, neuroscience, informatics and philosophy. Therefore ensuring that knowledge and the latest thinking is shared between AI researchers and students across the globe can be difficult, holding back advances in the subject.

The ShanghAI Lecture series were launched in 2009 to help promote much-needed sharing and collaboration. This interactive project aims to make education and knowledge on cutting-edge topics accessible to all by building a global community of students and researchers from across AI. 

Sharing knowledge
Through interactive videoconference lectures and a wide range of web-based collaborative resources the ShanghAI programme enables participants to learn, work together and share their knowledge. 

Ensuring the seamless and cost-effective global delivery of the videoconference lectures would be impossible through commercial internet providers. This means that the project relies on the high capacity, guaranteed bandwidth and speed of research networks including Swiss national research and education network (NREN) SWITCH, the GÉANT pan-European network and 12 national and international networks across the globe.

Over the last three years more than 1000 participants from over 40 universities on 5 continents have been part of the programme, driving collaboration, knowledge sharing and new ways of teaching.

The Challenge
Bring together students and academics involved in Artificial Intelligence from across the world to create a global, cross-disciplinary community for real-time teaching and knowledge sharing.

The Solution
Using the power of research networks, the ShanghAI Lecture series enables advanced, real-time e-learning in a virtual global lecture hall, allowing students and researchers to learn and share knowledge together.

Key Benefits
Through the close collaboration created by the ShanghAI Lectures knowledge on cutting-edge AI topics is now accessible to the entire global community, bringing together students and researchers from disparate fields and disciplines as well as exploring new ways of virtual learning.

Partners in the ShanghAI Lectures project: 
GÉANT: www.geant.net 
The ShanghAI Lectures: http://shanghailectures.org
SWITCH: http://www.switch.ch
EUMEDCONNECT: http://www.eumedconnect.net
ORIENTplus: http://www.orientplus.eu